cost of solar batteries

What is the Cost of Solar Batteries in 2024: Updated List

Did you know? The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) revealed that house owners with solar batteries reduced 40% of their electricity bills. As a result, the impact of solar batteries shows clear evidence in the realm of household energy.

Imagine chilling in your living room reading a book or watching a movie. The sun is shining outside ensuring your house is running on green energy, and you thank the solar panels. But what about when the sun decides to take a break? That is when the Solar Batteries enter into the play.

Less grid dependence means more money stays in your pocket. It would make sense with the use of Solar Panels and Batteries. Also, you could be proud of entering the eco-friendly vibe, cutting down foul emissions that disturb the atmosphere.

No worries! No Stress! of the next power outage, while solar batteries back up your lights, and gadgets, and your place runs smoothly.

People feel unstable while choosing from the popular solar battery options available such as Tesla Powerwall 2, LG Chem RESU 10H Prime, and SunPower SunVault.

Recently astonishing reports from the International Energy Agency (IEA) indicate that the market for solar batteries across the globe is expected to reach $25 billion by 2030. Most of the demands and surges were observed from the residential and commercial sectors. The technology, efficiency, and affordability would develop with this growing demand for solar batteries.

It is very important to understand the concept of the Break-Even period and the factors that impact solar battery prices. Furthermore, a few strategies have to be followed to reduce the break-even period and estimate popular solar battery options, and the cost of popular solar batteries in 2024.

What is the average cost of solar batteries?

The cost of solar batteries has witnessed significant instabilities over time, but the overall trend has been one of success. Technical improvements direct to more useful and affordable battery results, making solar energy available to a wider range of consumers.

The average cost of a solar battery system in 2024 ranges from $6,000 to $15,000 which also depends on various factors like size, capacity, and brand. This price range encompasses a variety of factors, including battery type, installation complexity, and original labor costs.

Despite the outspoken cost, solar batteries offer a range of fiscal benefits that can neutralize the original investment. These benefits include reduced electricity bills as the house owners can use Solar batteries to use the stored sunlight energy when having a reduced reliance on the grid.

Also, Most of the governments offer Federal and State Tax Incentives to promote solar energy. It includes tax credits and rebates for solar battery installations and homes equipped with solar batteries may have an advanced resale value due to their energy effectiveness and sustainability features.

To determine whether solar batteries are a worthwhile investment, homeowners should consider their energy operation patterns, electricity costs, and implicit fiscal impulses. A solar energy adviser can conduct a thorough assessment of the property and give individualized recommendations.

{Video Credit- DIY Journey}

Cost of Popular Solar Batteries in 2024

Here is the list of the few most popular solar batteries cost in 2024 and their capacities mentioned:

Brand Model Capacity


Cost Depth of Discharge


Warranty Scalability Additional Technological Features
Tesla Powerwall 2 13.5 $10,500 90% 10 years 10 units Integrated inverter, smart home integration
LG Chem RESU 10H  10 $9,000 90% 10 years 9 units Integrated inverter
Sonnen Prime Eco 10 10 $8,500 100% 10 years 10 units Integrated inverter, virtual power plant capabilities
EcoFlow Delta Pro 3.6 $3,500 80% 5 years 6 units Integrated inverter, mobile app control
Jackery Explorer 1000 1 $1,000 90% 2 years No Integrated inverter, mobile app control
Generac PWRCell 2 13.2 $10,000 100% 10 years 10 units Integrated inverter, smart grid integration
Sun Power SunVault 10 $12,000 100% 10 years 10 units Integrated inverter, smart backup power
Enphase IQ Battery 10T 10 $9,500 100% 10 years 12 units Integrated inverter

However, the prices of popular solar batteries in 2024 would vary on many other factors like brand, model, capacity, and features. But remember this one general rule for a 10kWh solar battery, the price would range between $8,500 and $12,000.

Are Solar Batteries worthy and should you buy one?

Yes, of course, Solar Batteries are worth the cost. But whether do you need one? It would completely depend on the amount of energy consumed at your place.

If you are a person who uses more power and pays high electricity bills, then it is obvious that solar batteries can save you a lot of money. It stores up solar energy that you can use while you don’t have access to the electrical grid or even while the sunlight is low.

Did you know? you could even earn money by sending the extra energy back to the grid.
Above all, the best reason to have a solar battery is because it gives you peace of mind during power outages. With that backup power, you could keep your place lighted up and appliances running smoothly without any hassle.

Of course, solar batteries are not pocket-friendly but they would surely be worthy for the long run. Especially if you can use the benefits of government incentives, you can save a lot of money as well as be less reliant on the electricity grid.

What is the Break-Even period for a Solar Battery?

Investing in solar batteries would have a motive of reducing electricity bills as well as owning independent energy. Usually, the initial cost can be an obstacle for many individuals, the cost would be compensated in the future by using green energy which is known as the break-even period.

Generally, the break-even period depends on various factors such as battery cost, electricity consumed at your place, and quantity of solar energy generated by panels. So we can say that on average the break-even period for solar batteries would range between 6 years to 12 years.

Factors Affecting the Break-even Period:-

Several factors play a crucial role in determining the break-even period for solar batteries:

  • Battery Cost

The cost of the solar battery itself is a substantial factor in calculating the break-even period. Higher-priced batteries will naturally lead to a longer break-even timeframe.

  • Household Electricity Consumption

The amount of electricity consumed by the household significantly impacts the break-even period. Homes with higher electricity usage will benefit from solar batteries sooner, as they will offset more grid-supplied electricity, reducing overall costs.

  • Solar Energy Generation

The amount of solar energy generated is a key factor. Especially home with large solar panels will likely generate excess energy which can be stored in solar batteries. As a result, reduced reliance on the electricity grid is observed.

Strategies to Reduce the Break-even Period

To decrease the break-even period for solar batteries, house owners can obtain quotes from multiple solar installers can help secure the best possible price for the solar battery system, reducing the overall investment.

The majority of Government incentives, such as tax credits and rebates, can significantly lower the upfront cost of solar batteries, making them more affordable and reducing the break-even period.

Using solar batteries to power the home during peak electricity hours, when rates are typically higher, can maximize savings and shorten the break-even period.

Homes equipped with net metering can sell excess solar energy generated by their panels back to the grid, further reducing electricity costs and accelerating the break-even period.

Factors that impact solar battery price:-

Here are a few important factors that incur sudden surges and affect solar battery price:

  • Battery capacity- Generally, the Solar Battery capacity is computed in kilowatt-hours (kWh). It indicates how much energy can be stored and batteries of large capacity are costlier compared to small capacity as they incur more materials during the manufacturing procedure.
  • Battery Chemistry- The employed Battery chemistry in a solar battery significantly impacts its price and performance. Lithium-ion batteries, the most prevalent choice, are generally more expensive owing to their superior efficiency and extended lifespan. However, less expensive alternatives like lead-acid and flow batteries exist, albeit with compromised lifespans and reduced efficiency.
  • Brand and Model- To determine the cost, Brand and Model play a pivotal role. Renowned brands with a reputation for quality and innovation often charge premium prices for their products. Additionally, within a brand, different models may offer varying features and specifications, leading to price variations.
  • Installation complexities- The overall cost of a solar battery system is substantially impacted by the Installation complexities. Batteries require intricate installations, such as integration into existing electrical systems, which often attract higher labor costs compared to simpler installations. Homeowners should carefully assess the installation requirements and factor in potential labor expenses.
  • Labor costs- It becomes obvious that the Labor costs for solar battery installations vary across geographical regions. Densely populated areas with higher labor rates can lead to increased installation costs compared to less populated areas. Understanding local labor costs is essential for accurate budgeting.
  • Permits and Fees- It depends on the location as well as the municipal regulations, whether the house owner might have to obtain permits or pay fees associated with solar battery installations. The extra costs should be considered in the overall investment calculation.
  • Government Incentives- One of the main benefits of government incentives include tax credits and rebates. As it helps to reduce the stress of solar battery initial cost. However, these incentives vary according to the availability and amount. Also, it depends on the location and the exact schedule. House owners should research and apply for eligible incentives for cost savings.
  • Supply and Demand- The prices of solar batteries are impacted by supply and demand as they could suddenly incur a price surge due to an increase in competition. Again the prices may reduce when the demand is normalised. Also, it would be favorable at times and maybe not as it depends on the demand and availability of resources.

Popular Solar Battery Options:-

Here are the 3 popular solar battery options that can work wonders for your usage:

1. Tesla Powerwall 2

The Tesla Powerwall 2 is one of the popularly known lithium-ion batteries. With an efficient storage capacity of 13.5 kWh, the sleek designed battery also brings 10 years of warranty. Additionally, the 90% depth of discharge (DOD) is one of the impeccable scoring factors of this battery. Also not forget that it has a round trip efficiency of 90% which adds worthiness to its purchase.

2. LG Chem RESU 10H Prime

The LG Chem RESU 10H Prime is another lithium-ion battery that can store up to 10 kWh of energy. Even this battery has 90% DoD and a round-trip efficiency of 90% which comes warranty of 10 years.

3. SunPower SunVault

The SunPower SunVault is a lead-acid battery with a moderate capacity of 10 kWh. It deserves appreciation as it has got 100% DoD, with a round trip efficiency of 80% which comes with 10 years of warranty.


Hereby, I would conclude by expressing that if you doubt whether Solar Batteries are worth buying, don’t ever take a second thought, it is worth it as it is going to save you a lot of money. Especially, if you are capable of using the benefits completely, then it can even make some extra money for you. Having independent energy is not what everyone prefers, as they don’t know the benefits. But while you have read through this article, I am sure you might be purchasing a solar system and solar battery for your home or workplace soon.

Ray is an avid reader and writer with over 25 years of experience serving various domestic and multinational private and public energy companies in the USA.

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