How to Choose the Right Solar Battery for Your Solar Power System?

By Ray Garcia

A solar battery is a storage device designed to accumulate the energy generated by your solar panels for future use, and it is possible to choose the best solar battery by analyzing the household requirements, system capacity, and budget.

Solar batteries integrate with solar panels to store energy through the photovoltaic effect. The Direct Current (DC) generated by the panels flows to the solar battery gets stored for later use and gets converted into Alternating Current (AC) through a solar inverter to power home appliances. The battery inverter converts the AC power back into DC power to charge the solar battery.

Selecting the right type of solar battery and its brand becomes crucial for solar power system owners for higher efficiency and reliability, long-term savings, and a huge lifespan.

To find how long a solar battery lasts, you must know the different types of batteries. Also, the factors that help you decide on the right battery such as understanding its capacity, lifespan, power output, round-trip efficiency, warranty, cost, and Depth of Discharge (DoD).

Types of Solar Batteries

These are six types of solar batteries available in the market tabulated below along with their advantages and disadvantages in detail:

Battery Types  Overview  Advantages  Disadvantages 
Lithium-Ion Batteries An ideal choice for a home storage system with high energy density.  Higher efficiency, lightweight, and compact  Expensive than lead acid batteries, 
Lead-Acid Batteries Used for many years in the off-grid solar system  Affordable costs, supported for smaller scale solar systems, a wide range of operating temperature  Shorter lifespan, lower Depth of Discharge, and less energy density 
Nickel-Cadmium Batteries  A well-established technology to power toys, aircraft, and several appliances.  Highly durable, more extended lifespan, High resistance to temperature and overcharging  Highly toxic, has less energy density, and affects memory
Flow Batteries  Uses a liquid electrolyte and is suitable for larger solar energy system Higher efficiency, longer lifespan, and expandable  Highly expensive, the electrolytes can be harmful
Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) Batteries  Similar to Lithium-ion Batteries with the difference in energy density, depth of discharge, operating temperature  Longer lifespan and stable performance  Lower energy density and Expensive than standard Lithium-ion Batteries 
Salt Water Batteries  Environmentally friendly home energy storage  Extended lifespan, eco-friendly materials used, and huge depth of discharge  Too costly to afford and less energy density

Battery Capacity

Understanding the battery’s capacity in amp-hours (Ah) is necessary when it comes to energy storage and usage to estimate how long a battery can run before its recharge as well as the energy requirements and longevity. It is important for applications that require constant power for long periods. The higher Ah batteries are used in marine applications, mobile electronics (in the field of ham radio), solar power systems, electric vehicles (EVs), recreational vehicles (RVs), and several other uses.

Once you have an idea about the Ah ratings, it becomes easier to choose the right battery according to your specific requirements. For example, a higher Ah rating can have a positive impact on devices that require continuous power, while a lower Ah rating might be suitable for devices with short-term power needs. Also, you can plan for the best energy management strategies that help to run devices in the long run.

You need to know that solar battery capacity has a huge impact on energy storage and usage in the following ways:

1. Increased Reliability and Availability: Energy storage can maximize reliability and allow generating additional electricity from renewable sources such as solar to store energy for future use during excess demand or lower sunlight.

2. Minimizing the Carbon Footprint: The dependence on fossil fuels is reduced to reduce the severe effects of climatic change.

3. Enhancing Energy Independence: Homeowners and individuals in business areas can become energy-independent to reduce reliance on the grid.

4. Support For Grid Stability: The battery storage system helps to stabilize the grid, thereby eliminating the need for building more power plants or upgrading transmission lines.

5. Economically Beneficial: The energy storage facility helps to minimize fuel cost as well as wear and tear on standard power plant systems.


The average lifespan of a solar battery ranges between 5 and 15 years. These are the important factors that determine a solar battery’s lifespan:

1. Battery Type: Different types of batteries have varying lifespans such as:

  • Lead-acid batteries have a reduced lifespan of just 3 to 5 years.
  • Lithium-ion Batteries have a prolonged lifespan of 10 to 15 years.
  • Nickel-based batteries are long-lasting and handle high temperatures with fluctuating lifespans.

2. Cycling Process: The process of charging and discharging is termed cycling. The simple concept is that batteries with huge cycle life can be charged and discharged more times before their capacity starts to decrease. When compared to lead-acid batteries, lithium-ion batteries have a higher cycle that makes them highly reliable and useful for long-term use.

3. Depth of Discharge (DOD): It is the percentage used to calculate the battery capacity used in each cycle. A higher DoD means a larger lifespan for a battery. For example, lithium-ion batteries have a greater DoD than lead-acid batteries, which helps extend their life.

4. Temperature and Environment Conditions: A solar battery’s capacity is determined by the operating environment conditions. In other words, a battery’s performance and long-term viability are influenced by the severe amount of hot and cold temperatures. For example, lithium-ion batteries are highly resistant to temperature fluctuations when compared to other variants. To increase the lifespan, it is advisable to store and operate batteries within the specified temperature range.

5. Maintenance: It is important to perform frequent maintenance which includes regular inspections, cleaning the terminals, and checking for the proper connections to increase a solar battery’s lifespan. Lead-acid batteries are maintenance-free when compared to lithium-ion batteries because of their protective design.

Power Output

The power output can influence the performance of a solar battery in the following ways:

1. Efficiency: Higher power output can result in enhanced efficiency in energy storage and return. It is the ratio of energy stored in a battery to the amount of energy introduced into it. In simpler terms, higher efficiency results in less energy loss during storage, which allows more power consumption for future use.

2. Battery Life: Increased power output causes the temperature to rise due to the accelerated chemical reactions inside the solar battery, which leads to instant degradation.

3. Energy Availability: Increased power output indicates the huge availability of energy during peak demand times, which is essential for maintaining a continuous power supply.

Peak power output refers to the maximum power that a system can supply or manage for a shorter time. You need to know that peak power differs from continuous power where the power supply is continuous for longer periods.

A higher kilowatt peak (kWp) rating indicates the maximum amount of energy a panel can produce at its peak hours during sunny days in the afternoon under clear sky conditions. Furthermore, it indicates that the system is highly efficient in converting sunlight into consumable energy which can be stored for future use with the help of a battery. Also, systems with higher kWp ratings are easy to expand to meet the increasing energy demands.

Round-Trip Efficiency

In simple words, the Round trip efficiency (RTE) is a valuable metric that is used to measure the percentage of energy stored and utilized during a complete charge-discharge cycle of energy storage systems.

Round Trip Efficiency is the ratio of energy output to energy input which simply means the ratio of the amount of retrievable energy from the storage system to the amount of originally put in energy. Also, higher values indicate better energy retention whereas lower values indicate energy loss.

The round-trip efficiency (RTE) directly affects a battery’s performance because the higher the RTE, the greater the amount of retrievable stored energy from the battery. In contrast to that, the lower the RTE, the lower the amount of retrievable stored energy in the battery. In such cases, where lower round trip efficiency is observed, the battery is said to be negatively impacted and reduces the effectiveness of the battery.

Homeowners should be selecting batteries with higher RTE (round-trip efficiency) and here are the main reasons:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Batteries with higher round-trip efficiency have a large amount of energy stored which can be effectively taken advantage of, leading to cost savings in the long run.
  • Energy Conservation: Higher round-trip efficiency will lead to better energy conservation, and very little energy is lost during the storage and retrieving process.
  • Environmental Impact: Improved round-trip efficiency keeps up the reduction of global warming and promotes a greener future by maximizing the effective use of stored energy.

Brand and Warranty

Brand reputation plays an important role when buying a solar battery because the most reputable and well-established companies have a decent track record. By selecting a good brand we can be assured of reliability as well as high-performance products that come along with excellent customer support.

Also, the other facilities include installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance. In addition to that, the best solar battery brands come with the latest technological innovations which are thoroughly loaded with advanced features. As a result, they are capable of meeting the industry standards as well as the customer’s expectations.

Here are a few important factors that you need to consider while reviewing the warranty of a solar battery:

  • Duration of Warranty Period: A majority of solar battery brands offer a 10-year warranty period, while few others provide upto 15 years. Keep in mind that, a longer warranty period indicates the manufacturer’s confidence in the product’s longevity, and you can be assured of having peace of mind.
  • Covered under Warranty: You need to focus on what the warranty covers and this is an important factor. Some of the most commonly covered aspects such as performance guarantees, potential defects, and loss of functionality over time.
  • Performance Guarantee: Check for the reliability and output of your battery system.
  • Number of Cycles: The number of charge and discharge cycles the battery can undergo while it is still under the warranty period. Usually, a warranty covers around 6,000 cycles.
  • Warranty Capacity: It is the percentage of the battery’s original capacity that can be retained after the warranty term. Typically, most companies offer 60% to 70% of warranty capacity.


The average cost of a solar battery ranges between $10,000 – $19,000, including the installation charges. For example, estimates according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) suggest that the total cost of solar batteries ranges from around $18,791 and the standalone battery is $16,007 approximately.

Different types of solar batteries have varying costs. Although Lithium-ion batteries are more expensive ($6,000 to $13,000 approximately) than lead acid batteries ($200-$220/kWh), they are larger to store additional energy to power your home appliances.

These are the incentives available on solar batteries that every homeowner in the US should consider:

Federal Clean Energy Tax Credit system: Homeowners can claim 30% of the upfront costs to install solar batteries. This credit system is applicable for solar power systems installed between 2022 and 2032. However, to meet the eligibility criteria, you should be a resident of the US and have the capacity to store at least 3 kWh of energy.

State Tax Credits and Rebates: Several states offer extra tax credits and rebates for solar battery installation to minimize the overall battery cost. For example, California’s Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) offers beneficial incentives to battery storage systems installed for both residential and commercial purposes. Currently, the program offers rebates between the value of $150 and $1,000 per kilowatt-hour of storage.

Utility Programs: A few utility companies offer incentives for homeowners to allow their battery storage system connected to the grid during excess demand. In a few areas, you can observe schemes such as the Net Energy Metering (NEM) System so that you can sell extra stored electricity back into the grid to boost your financial benefits.

Depth-of-Discharge (DoD)

To explain in simpler terms, Depth of Discharge (DoD) refers to the percentage of battery that has been discharged to its overall capacity. Higher DoD values indicate the consumption of more energy, thereby reducing the battery’s lifespan with an increase in wear and tear. This issue occurs as deeper discharge cycles impose huge levels of stress on the battery. For example, a battery discharged upto 80% of its capacity will stress the battery to degrade.

Also, consider DoD rating to help extend the lifespan of a battery, ensure optimal performance, maintain cost-effective investments for the long run, and learn effective energy management techniques.

There are many battery technologies like the LiFePO4, lead-acid, and AGM batteries, that have fluctuating Depth of Discharge levels which influences the battery life. Hence, that is the main reason why manufacturers mention the maximum recommended Depth of Discharge for the best battery performance.

How Long Does The Solar Battery Last?

A solar battery can sustain a household’s energy needs based on its energy storage capacity, which is measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). On average, a US household can consume around 10.5 kWh within 1 and half days or sometimes upto 33 hours only.

One of the major factors that influence a battery’s ability to support household energy consumption is the capacity of batteries and the amount of energy it is capable of storing. Hence, this factor helps us to calculate the duration of a solar battery that can keep the appliances running during power outages. For example, if you are facing a power outage, a fully charged 10 kWh battery must be capable enough of powering your home for at least 24 hours.

The number of batteries a typical household might require to ensure an uninterrupted power supply during the night or on cloudy days purely depends upon that particular house’s energy usage patterns and battery capacity.

Although, different capacities vary starting from as low as 1 kWh upto 15 kWh, where most of the homes in the US feel 10 kWh is the ideal capacity to use.


These are the key takeaways every homeowner should consider while buying solar batteries:

  1. Estimate your energy needs and choose the right type of battery and its capacity.
  2. Analyze different types of batteries.
  3. Check for the warranty types and brand reputation.
  4. Calculate the installation costs.
  5. Plan for the best incentives to reduce upfront costs.
  6. Select the most effective solar power system that allows future expansions if you plan to increase your storage capacity for future use.

Every homeowner should keep these important factors in mind when considering the future of solar energy storage:

  • Deep Carbonization of energy: Storage strategies should be effective with clean power generation and transmission systems to make electricity usage much more flexible.
  • Long Duration Storage: To support reliable decarbonized grids, there is a strong focus on implementing battery storage solutions for long durations. It includes advanced technologies beyond the lithium-ion batteries.
  • Developing country’s economy: Since storage minimizes the electricity cost for improving the economy of the nation, the lower storage costs can enhance both environmental benefits and savings in electricity bills.
  • Analytical and Regulatory Support: It is expected that the government and regulatory bodies would provide more support for developing energy storage systems, which includes incentives and financial assistance for scientific investigation, research, and development.

What Are the Best Solar Battery Brands?

These are the best solar battery brands you can try out for sure:

  • Enphase IQ 10
  • LG Chem RESU 6.5
  • Tesla Powerwall 2
  • Sunsynk L5.1
  • Canadian Solar EP Cube
  • Qcells Q.HOME CORE

Here is more information about best solar battery brands.

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Ray is an avid reader and writer with over 25 years of experience serving various domestic and multinational private and public energy companies in the USA.

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